Maybe you have been to Teotihuacan before. Maybe not. But either way, you have probably experienced magic and light and ‘peak’ moments in life. On our journeys to the Pyramids of Teotihuacan, there are moments of subtle energetic experiences and mind-altering breakthroughs. And PEAK moments that remind of us our true nature:
“We are beings of mind and spirit,
heart and head,
material flesh and incorporeal divinity”
In Teo, it is simple to access our spirit, heart and divinity.
Back home, it is easy to access our mind, our head and our flesh.
The challenge is to meld and mingle these parts of ourselves, more often, with more awareness, more choice and with more joy and love. And one of the greatest opportunities is to bring our greatest selves, in service, to our places of work.
To address this challenge head-on, we are offering the Teotihuacan Power Journey for the Business-Minded and Open-Hearted Human, all-inclusive (except you pay for flight to Mexico)
And in addition to the 6-day trip, you are also invited to a
60 Day Inquiry and Integration Program to bring the magic and Love home and into your workplaces.
This is an all-inclusive trip with room, meals, transfers to Airport and Pyramids each day and all teachings. Just add airfare to Mexico City.