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Meet Kevin

Kevin F. Murray is a Business Growth & Strategy Advisor, Speaker, High Performance Coach and Energetic Consultant. He has founded several successful businesses and is a committed husband and father of 2 teenagers. Kevin has studied sacred traditions for over 30 years and brings a unique blend of business/marketing savvy and spiritual grounding to his clients. In 1992, Kevin founded Sebago Energy Conservation Corp., which grew from a solo business to a successful firm building Commercial and Industrial Energy projects across 20 states. He has also started a Publishing company and a Consulting business. 

Are you ready for the next level of You and Your Business?



For Businesses That Provide Proposals:
"Close More Sales”
Business Development Coaching

To improve Quality & Quantity of Leads and increase Conversions to Sales.
Free Strategy Session:



For CEOs:  

Complimentary Coaching Strategy Session:

Life, Business & Legacy Coaching

To have a sounding board and a strategic partner committed to your expanding success. For a Complimentary Strategy Session, click below

To see what we can work on together, follow the link below:


iStock_000007298729XSmallFor Business Owners, Sales Professionals and Entrepreneurs:

Free High Performance Strategy Session

To reach new levels of Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity and Influence.

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armsout300x200For Coaches, Authors, Speakers, Workshop Leaders, Holistic Practitioners:

Free BUSINESS-Breakthrough Session

To expand your content, your audience and your income


Group MasterMind Programs

For Business Owners and Entrepreneurs:

Energize Your Business MasterMind Monthly Meeting

To build your energy, your strategy, your clientele and your results

Includes content from all the above One-on-One Programs

To learn more about any of these programs, or to reach Kevin about Employee Development Programs, Sales Professional Enhancement Programs, Group Coaching or speaking opportunities, please call 2O3.41O.815O.

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"I really liked this product, it helped me get started with photography like I had always dreamed of!"
-- Sarah Williams, The Company

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