This Subscription gives you 90 minutes of access to Kevin each month, to use as you see fit.

It could be 1 - 90 minute call, or
3 - 30 minute calls, or
6 - 15 minute calls.

To build and maintain your Energy & Strategy.

Please click on the button below to set up a monthly recurring payment of $197.

What could you work on for life and business?

Thank you for our work together.  Watch this video about the next steps

Strategic and Energetic Coaching for 

Business Owners Expert Professionals

a Safe Place to discuss anything and everything 

that is going on with your life and business.

This Subscription gives you 90 minutes of access to Kevin each month, to use as you see fit.

It could be 1 - 90 minute call, or
3 - 30 minute calls, or
6 - 15 minute calls.

 To build and maintain your Energy & Strategy.

Please click on the button below to set up a monthly recurring payment of $197.

Here's A Reminder Of What We Can Work On:


Sales & Margin Growth and Business Value Expansion

Getting bigger may NOT be getting more VALUABLE. Do you know the  most important measurements to create the greatest value for your business?

 Personal, Family & Legacy Issues

We all have competing needs outside of our “core” business. How well do you manage your time and attention for all of the important things in life

 Your Productivity

Your greatest asset is your ability to focus on the most important projects in front of you today. Do you have daily and weekly habits for planning your time and energy?

 Building Your Employees & Key Managers

Your team can give you your greatest leverage. Are you finding, growing and retaining the best people?

 Working with Business Partner Challenges

Our business partners can be tremendous assets, and they can cause us a lot of sleepless nights. How clear is your communication and relationship with your partners?

 Selling & Marketing Systems

Formal Systems create repeatable and count-on-able results for your clients and your bottom line. Do you have clear systems, in writing, that are used?

 New Product & Service Offerings

“Adjacent’ product & service offerings are a fast way to grow revenue and margin. What have you considered as extra value that you can bring to your clients?

 Joint Venture Strategies and Merger & Acquisition Planning

Growing your client list organically is wonderful. Have you taken advantage of Leveraged Joint Ventures and considered strategic acquisitions?

 Finding Peace Amidst the Chaos

You have a lot on your plate with business and life commitments. How do you give yourself time and attention for rest, relaxation, renewal and reflection?

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